This from a Twitter developer. Twitterati : On future features: "Lots of people are interested in a groups feature, and that's definitely on our radar". Meanwhile, he also says Twitter shouldn't be seen as a replacement for blogging. "Twitter works best for those particular ideas that are terse yet expressive, and don't benefit greatly from an in-place thread of replies. Oh dear. - Twitter is built on Ruby on Rails and they're having severe problems handling the scaling - It's hardly surprising scaling is a problem. It's a conversational medium built on static web centralised principles - It's an aggregation of monologues. Making replies and hence conversation hard to impossible. - Groups. It's already got grouping in the friends and followers functions. Add groups and you recreate IRC and Skype chats which frankly work much better. - It's stupidly hard to find people on Twitter. eg. Where is Paul Walsh's Twitter page? I can't let go of my thinking about building a responsive chat system built around contacts rather than around topics. I'm just finding it really hard to imagine the right architecture for this. After experimenting with Skype Moods, I've also been looking at the Skype App2App API. Now I'm wondering if there's *any* existing architecture that can cope. I'm more and more convinced that it needs to use an existing P2P chat system. Hmmm? Jabber-GTalk? |
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[ 16-Apr-07 8:56am ] [ Twitter