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Documents about RSS
Last updated by Anon on Thursday, 08/09/2001 - 15:04

  • Writing RSS 1.0 Author: Rael Dornfest
    A step-by-step tutorial to creating an RSS 1.0 document by hand.
  • RSS Category at Dmoz.org Author: Editors of the Open Directory Project
    A collection of RSS-related links, including tutorials, background and more.
  • O'Reilly RSS Dev-Center Articles on the O'Reilly Network about RSS and syndication.
  • RSSWhy?s Author: Ken MacLeod
    An attempt to concisely explore and discuss the issues surrounding RSS. Tracks the various RSS mailing lists and keeps summaries of important issues. Also provides the RSS 1.0 issues list.
  • Developers Explain: Why RSS 1.0? (audio) O'Reilly Network publisher Dale Dougherty talks with some of the core developers behind the new spec for RDF Site Summary (RSS 1.0) about the background behind RDF, the need for a standard, and what RSS enables.
  • The Evolution of RSS Author: Andy King
    We look at how RSS has evolved from its humble beginnings through present day and beyond. We survey all versions of RSS, including a feature comparison, a new RSS usage survey, plus format and validation information. Learn how the newest versions of RSS will move us towards a more Semantic Web.
  • A Historical Debt Author: Dan Brickley
    A detailed survey of RSS history, going all the way back to Apple's MCF format, Microsoft's CDF, UserLand's scriptingNews and of course, RSS.
  • Introduction to RSS 0.91 Author: Dave Winer
    Dave's introduction to his work on cleaning up the RSS 0.91 spec and a starting point for further discussion on RSS progress.
  • RDF - why we should care - and RSS Author: Edd Dumbill
    Edd Dumbill presents a brief outline of why he believes RDF is important and the reasons for the next version of RSS to use it.
  • RSS 1.0: The New Syndication Format Author: Jonathan Eisenzopf
    The history and background of the RSS format and information on the introduction of RSS 1.0.
  • RSS Modularization Author: Leigh Dodds
    A look at the original proposal to develop RSS using namespaces.
  • RSS Moves Forward Author: Edd Dumbill
    Edd Dumbill explains the creation of the RSS working group and takes a look at the RSS 1.0 spec.
  • What to do about RSS? Author: Dave Winer
    A description of the problems RSS has faced and a proposed solution.

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