Reiter's Wireless Data Web Log : : Smart City Telecom offers free WiFi in Walt Disney town Celebration, Fla. to DSL customers Interesting approach by an ADSL broadband vendor. Sign up to "Home'n'Roam and as well as the home Broadband access you also get free WiFi access at participating outlets. This particular company is heavily involved in WiFI and supplies systems for conferences so they already have the tech. But they're putting hotspots into public space around their ADSL coverage area. They've also got an enlightened attitude to allowing their ADSL subscribers to install WiFi themselves with cheap hardware from the same company.

This seems like a natural for BT. I wonder if their terms of reference allow them to cross subsidize Openworld with OpenZone? I also think this a natural for widening the coverage of OpenZone by having a franchise model where low performance access is available from customers who share their ADSL.

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[ 27-Oct-02 9:14pm ]