version burn to the ground. The original was a big inspiration for me. That still stands. Needless to say, planning permission is an ongoing battle for them. I have very mixed feelings about this, because our wood is in an area where planning permission for new houses is pretty strictly controlled. And this is right, because there's so much pressure for new building round here that given half a chance, all that green belt and SSSI woodland would be converted into housing estates. Though it's really apparent that if you have the right friends and plenty of money, any old barn can become a hamlet of half a dozen converted and extended farm buildings. Before you know it, you've got a village or another gated community. Going ahead and building anyway, and then spending the next 20 years appealing retrospective planning requests is a viable option provided you spend little money and are prepared to just walk away. That doesn't mean that's necessarily the right, moral thing to do. Electrical fire? Building codes are there for a reason. Even if you're off grid. I mustn't be too negative though. The buildings that these people have built are beautiful and properly amazing. [from: Google+ Posts] |
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[ 05-Jan-18 6:54pm ]