I think it wouldn't be fair to the people of __ because they're being asked to make a crucial decision without all the necessary information - without knowing what the future partnership would be, or what the alternative of an independent __ would look like." Can you fill in the blanks? http://uk.businessinsider.com/may-to-block-second-scottish-independence-referendum-before-brexit-2017-3 Also http://newsthump.com/2017/03/14/divisive-referendum-will-cause-huge-economic-uncertainty-says-woman-enacting-divisive-referendum-causing-huge-economic-uncertainty/ ‘Divisive’ referendum ‘will cause huge economic uncertainty’ says woman enacting divisive referendum causing huge economic uncertainty LONDON — Theresa May has announced her... [from: Google+ Posts] |
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[ 20-Mar-17 6:49pm ]