Having trouble finding the following. Does that mean I have to buy them?!?

Indigo - Wake EP
DFRNT - Rising Tide / Sunflower / Triple Threat EP
DFRNT - Monday Morning EP
Bass Clef - Dawn Chorus Pedal
Gatekeeper & Orphan101 - Deep Space Objects
Hizatron & Bashley - Discharge
Holy Other / Indigochild - Split
Artifact - Worn EP
Recondite - DRGN / Wist 365

To be fair, the last two were only dropped today. When you get out on the edge, even P2P and the russian file locker download sites no longer work. Quite a few of them aren't even on YouTube (yet).
[from: GPlus]

[ << 524 million units for internal use in PCs to ship this year. So what's the total disk drive shipm... ] [ Ok, this is cool. Plus she's got yellow nail varnish on only one hand. >> ]
[ 01-Oct-12 11:50am ]