Just trying to build a Semi-Permanent Autonomous Zone in my castle.
Semi-Permanent Autonomous Zone | S.P.A.Z. >>
Sound Dimensions Radio 1 week 15 hours ago; http://soundcloud.com/voidtacticalmedia 5 weeks 6 days ago; tuned in at 5lowershop 11 weeks 13 hours ago; p 11 weeks 1 day ago; I finally did it!!! 11 weeks...

[from: GPlus]

[ << So farewell, then, Andy Williams. For a while there you made it ok to wear a white polo neck swea... ] [ I was looking at this: 9mm thick, portable, 2.5", 500GB hard drive. And apparently it's that time... >> ]
[ 26-Sep-12 6:10pm ]