::HorsePigCow:: life uncommon: The Madenning Octet

The 8-fold path to Internet Happiness

1. Information wants to be free
2. Zero distance
3. Mass amateurisation
4. More is much more
5. True names
6. Viral behaviour
7. Everything is personal
8. Ubiquitous computer

The 8 barriers to progress

1. Copyright
2. Borders
3. Censorship
4. Network blocking
5. Identity cards and databases
6. More network blocking
7. Everything is trackable
8. No privacy

A restatement of the World Of Ends manifesto as another 8-fold path.

1. The Internet isn't complicated
2. The Internet isn't a thing. It's an agreement.
3. The Internet is stupid.
4. Adding value to the Internet lowers its value.
5. All the Internet's value grows on its edges.
6. The Internet has three virtues:
a. No one owns it
b. Everyone can use it
c. Anyone can improve it
7. So Money moves to the suburbs.
8. It's a world of ends, not the end of the world.

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[ 11-Dec-05 9:22am ] [ ]