In the spirit of today's theme.

I want to like Apple. I really do. The Macintosh and OSX look like the perfect marriage of open source software and a professionally designed UI. Some of their software like iLife, GarageBand, iChat is truly amazing. And if I want access to all that Linux software, it's just a compile away. And with it's base of unix it has all the protection from abuse that you get with OSS. And the drivers work (as long as it's Apple hardware). No messing around with re-compiling the kernel to use a third party driver that is unfinished. And that white plastic is just so elegant. Dear.

But underneath all that there's some worms.
- Is Apple the new Sony? Pay a premium for the name, no matter what the product or competition?
- Apple just love to lock you in. Way too often the hardware you want to use is an over priced, return to factory, upgrade. Why can't I just swap the disk out for a generic item. Or add memory with a couple of Dimms from Overclockers?
- Apple are not just playing along with the entertainment industry, but pushing further. So I'm not allowed to play the Japanese import DVDs I bought in the USA?
- The best 3rd party software appears on Windows first. If you're really, really lucky it turns up on Macintosh later. For instance, it's nice to see that Mac Skype is now out of beta. Only a year after Windows Skype.
- Nobody likes to talk about it but Apple hardware doesn't have a stellar reputation for reliability. Remember those iPod batteries and iBook screens?

So I'll continue with my iProduct envy. But walk away and use a generic PC with Win XP for my desktop and Linux for all my servers. [from: JB Ecademy]

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[ 02-Feb-05 12:25pm ]