Slashdot continues to amuse. Hidden in an article "Smart" Billboards Debut in Sacramento : I found this tidbit of wisdom.

I cannot believe that your argument for listening to the radio vs. CDs is that CDs have just "the same songs repeated forever." I mean, have you listened to the radio, ever?

If you live in London, you might like to note that the giant US pigopoly, "Clear Channel" is in negotiations to buy Capital Radio. Now Clear Channel has bought up so many radio stations in the US that the radio landscape has completely changed over the last few years. They now effectively control the listening habits of the nation and restrict output to a comparatively narrow play list. Once upon a time, I used to listen to Capital but I can't stand it now so I'm not especially worried about this one purchase. But I'd hate to see Clear Channel work their way across the UK buying up all the non-BBC radio stations.

In theory, there's an alternative here in Internet radio. In practice, it's good for either microcasting or for people with deep pockets, but not much in between. And in the USA, the music industry has been going after net radio stations for absurdly large performing rights payments. [from: JB Ecademy]

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[ 25-Nov-02 11:26am ]