Another tiny RSS and RDF newsfeed viewer (with).NET source code [thanks, Markup World] to go with Aggie. The extraordinary thing about both of these is the tiny executable (33Kb and 50Kb) once you've downloaded the 20Mb of .NET CLR. There's a lot of support code in the CLR. If MS can keep the update process reasonable for the CLR and the price down on Visual Studio .NET, this could really help the development of 3rd party desktop apps. Now consider that SOAP support is baked into the CLR and you begin to get the MS Vision; "Program for the desktop, not the web". Lots of fat-client desktop apps running locally but using central resources via SOAP helps to keep the Windows OS entrenched.

[ << 'Cause now I'm living on meme power ] [ xmlrpc in .NET? >> ]
[ 05-Jun-02 8:01pm ]