I finally got fed up with clicking on links to "About:blank" and changed some code in my desktop RSS aggregator to use the feed.link when an item.link is missing.

On the next collection run a whole load of items came to the top of the list because my data cache of items depends on looking for uniqueness partly on item.link. And of course, most of them were from Radio sources that use 0.92 RSS and don't send an item.link at all, at all.

And that reminded me that the Radio item.description doesn't include the permalink "#" that most Radio users leave in the default theme. So when I want to blog a comment about one of these people's posts, I have to scratch around on their site trying to find the entry and then the permalink, so that I can post a link back to them. Hey ho! But then,

"We don't need no steenking permalinks" sad

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[ 28-Feb-02 5:40pm ]