Tasty poster from The Modern Humorist. Shazaam! Kazaa Shuts Down What Wired really means to say is that Kazaa has turned off downloading of their client, but Grokster is still downloadable and the network is still running and serving more MP3s than Napster at it's height. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Kazaa should just declare bankruptcy (or something) and voluntarily shut themselves down. They cannot win the legal battle and it's not worth the large amounts of money to try. Just release the protocol as open source and run for the hills. We're in the middle of a 30 year war to re-define what we mean by copyright and there's no point in being a casualty.

[ << This post came from Radio v8 o ] [ che tux >> ]
[ 18-Jan-02 12:11pm ]