Yet another story about London's Tech City, Silli Roundabout, Hoxditch startups, Techhub and Google Campus. What's slightly weird is that it seems surprisingly hard to find a big list of startups and even moderate success stories. Doesn't anyone want the free publicity or is it all so stealth that it's invisible?
 Queen of Tech City says she will decide what Tech City does soon now o The Register »
CEO of Tech City Joanna Shields says that the "woolly" objectives of London's (in)famous Tech City predated her, but she isn't giving much more clarity on what the government initiative should achieve...

[from: Google+ Posts]

[ << Every once in a while I stumble over this website that dates from 1993. ] [ This is a good one. Just read it, m'kay? >> ]
[ 04-Mar-13 9:41am ]