Thoroughly enjoying the book, so here's the online discussion.
The first time I met Cory IRL, was shortly after the first couple of episodes of "Jury Duty" had appeared that later became the early chapters. I think it might have been an NTK meet in London or perhaps one of the not a conferences in London for people who hadn't made it to the O-Reilly Emerging Tech conference. That must date it to 2001 or so, so this book has had quite a long gestation period.
The WELL: Cory Doctorow and Charlie Stross - The Rapture of the Nerds >>
The WELL: Cory Doctorow and Charlie Stross - The Rapture of the Nerds

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

[ << What is ? ] [ Low power FM radio transmission of found and donated sounds within a 10 mile radius in the middle... >> ]
[ 18-Sep-12 6:18pm ]