Found this via a Guardian article about Assange. Here's the key quote.

"Third, that if you want a society where everyone hates each other, be sure to create as much competition as possible."

The article is worth reading because of the light in shines on actual hatred in politics and society and the some times absurd and dangerous actions that then result.
A Tiny Revolution: Understanding People By Understanding Politics >>
You may only read this site if you've purchased Our Kampf from Amazon or Powell's or me o o o "Mike and Jon, Jon and Mike--I've known them both for years, and, clearly, one of them is very funny. As fo...

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

[ << Revolutions tend to happen when the populace can no longer afford to eat and become a mob. Well "... ] [ Why do the world's media apparently hate Assange so much and is it because they see him as compet... >> ]
[ 24-Aug-12 7:33am ]