Punk was 35 years ago. What possible relevance could it have today? Do we really need another exhibition of Punk culture[1]? But then look at those CRASS slogans! "Who do they think they're fooling; you?", "This Poster Exploits You". Apparently, post-modernist situationism never gets old.

[1] A free exhibition at the Hayward Gallery in London, on until 4th November 2012.
Someday all the Adults will Die!: Punk Graphics 1971-84 >>
'Some day all the adults will die!: punk graphics 1971-1984' is a free exhibition at the Hayward Gallery in London, on until 4th November 2012. I wonder sometimes whether anything else useful can be...

[from: GPlus]

[ << Wow! Extraordinary essay on GENRE vs. ISM and post-GENRE vs. post-ISM in music. And especially an... ] [ 524 million units for internal use in PCs to ship this year. So what's the total disk drive shipm... >> ]
[ 29-Sep-12 9:55am ]