There are only four diagnoses left. Theresa May is:- - Delusional, psychotic and in urgent need of help - Focused purely on her own short-term survival - A sleeper agent for a hostile government committed to the destruction of the UK - Totally incompetent Meanwhile, There are only four diagnoses left. Jeremy Corbyn is:- - Delusional, psychotic and in urgent need of help - Focused purely on getting power in the short-term - A sleeper agent for a hostile government committed to the destruction of the UK - Totally incompetent Meanwhile, Here's what the adults are saying. And even Cabinet Ministers are calling for The Slaughter Of The Unicorns[1]. And so it has come to this. [1]What a great name for a movie involving Fava Beans [from: Google+ Posts] |
[ << It doesn't get much simpler or clearer than this ] [ Can you buy these in IKEA?[1] Of course you need a clean wood floored old Gym and a hipster bicycle >> ]
[ 19-Dec-18 7:43am ]