Gmail not echoing your own posts to Yahoogroups back to you. About 6 months ago or so I switched to using Gmail as my outgoing mail server as well as my incoming. I still use a local email reader. Now, I belong to and contribute to quite a large number of Yahoogroups some of which I run. It puzzled me that my own posts to those groups weren't coming back to me via the inbox. It finally got sufficiently annoying to research and at that point I discover that this is a known bug in Gmail and has been for getting on for 2 years. Your outgoing email is in the sent and all folders in Gmail. But when the email is echoed back to you by yahoogroups, gmail is not so helpfully just discarding it. Probably because it has the same email ID as one already in their database. This is just wrong, but clearly isn't going to get fixed. The work arounds are all abit messy because you have to use a different smtp send server to normal and/or a different send email address just for posting to yahoogroups.

What I haven't checked yet is whether the same behaviour happens in mailing lists hosted in googlegroups or mailman.
[from: GPlus]

[ << One for the music historians. Where are the links between Hawkwind and The Clash? Hawkwind always... ] [ Excellent article. But the real gem is this comment on the link from victorvictorian. Almost impo... >> ]
[ 16-Oct-12 12:11pm ]