Most of the noisy people in the blogging world have a common problem. And it can be summed up by the question "what did I write and who replied". Our conversations are now fragmented across the web in mailing lists, blog comments, bulletin board forums, IRC, Skype group chats as well as our own blogs. There's now a huge problem in tracking all this stuff and remembering to check if anyone replied or even find the reply when it's on somebody else's blog. We're all developing piecemeal and ineffective strategies to cope by doing things like subscribing to "our name" in aggregators like Technorati and Google Blogsearch. Allied to this is a need to bring all the writings together in one place so that other people can see who we are. Marc's "Digital Lifestyle aggregator"[1]. Again we're developing independent tools that go a bit further than my personal blogroll or reposting the comment on our blogs. Things like automatically importing flickr,, data into the sidebars. Has Identity 2.0 got anything to say about this? Is their some strategy where we can put a positive marker in our scribblings so that automated processes can find them all and bring them all back together? Even a cursory thought about this shows some significant problems to be overcome. Not least of which is identity impersonation. [1] Which of the big portals is going to turn the "My XXXX" page on it's head and turn it into a "Your XXXX" page. "My XXXX" is so 1998 and all about grabbing sticky eyeballs. It's little more than a bigger and bigger personal menu. It's meant for your eyes only. "Your XXXX" is for other people. It's a bigger and better and more informative AboutMe page. And it's a perfect platform for an Identity Provider. Originally posted on the Identity Gang mailing list. Comment from Johannes Ernst about LID here. |
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[ 28-Sep-05 7:17pm ] [ Identity