
Drupal Hacks and Add-ons

Javascript helper buttons for TextAreas
Last updated by Anon on Tuesday, 08/21/2001 - 11:15

For MS IE5 and up, I've created a set of helper buttons that use Javascript to make it easier to enter html into data entry textareas.

It simulates some of the functionality available in Hotmail

Send comments to julian_bond@voidstar.com.


This requires V3 of Drupal. I suggest you get the lastest version of Drupal from CVS.

  • Unzip the download file.
  • Copy textarea.inc into your /includes directory
  • Copy the Gifs into your /misc directory
  • Modify /includes/common.inc to replace the form_textarea() function with the contents of textarea.inc.update

    Julian Bond

    Wish list
  • The image and HR functions require text to be highlighted. They should really just insert at the cursor position, but I haven't worked out how to do this yet.
  • The buttons were ripped from the Outlook Express editor. They really should be re-drawn.
  • It is possible to have a WYSIWIG html editor control with IE. But I don't like the html it inserts.

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