
Drupal Hacks and Add-ons

Blog it Bookmarklet
Last updated by Anon on Tuesday, 08/21/2001 - 11:02

For those of us who use MS IE5, I've created a bookmarklet to be able to blog any page you're looking at in the browser.

Highlight some text in any random webpage. Right click menu, "Blog It!" and get a popup window containing the Drupal "Blog Add" form with the webpage's title, URL and the selected text already entered.

It was heavily influenced by Userland's Manila Express code and Blogger's bookmarklet.

Send comments to julian_bond@voidstar.com.


This requires V3 of Drupal. I suggest you get the lastest version of Drupal from CVS.

  • Unzip the download file.
  • The registry file and javascript should be fairly self explanatory, you'll need to change the URLs for your installation.
  • Put blogadd.html in the root of your drupal installation
  • Run the reg file to load the registry entry
  • Restart IE

    Julian Bond

    Wish list
  • None at the moment.

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