Backing Blair :: FAQ :

What exactly is it that you want from me?
We want you to register to vote. Then, when the election comes around, we want people who live in 'safe' Labour seats or marginal ones to vote for the candidate most likely to beat the Labour candidate. Not the anti-war-person, or the seems-like-a-nice-person, but the candidate most likely to beat the Labour candidate.

But your group is called 'Backing Blair'! What's all that about?
We're using satire with an Orwellian tone to reach people. We realise some folks may be challenged/confused by this; that's why we have an FAQ.

OK, so why do you want us to do this?
People involved in this campaign pretty much want to get rid of Blair and bring a halt to his style of government. We hope that includes you. Common beefs include Iraq, the erosion of civil liberties, Blair's almost unquestioning loyalty to the Bush administration and the Blair government's ongoing swing to the right.

Our ultimate goal is to significantly reduce Labour's majority. We hope this will weaken Blair's position within the Labour party and lead to a viable leadership challenge.

But for a protest vote to be effective, it must be visible and damaging.

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[ 10-Feb-05 4:33pm ] [ ]