
- Producing RSS

How can I check that my new RSS feed is valid?
Last updated by Anon on Monday, 08/13/2001 - 15:28

RSS Validators:
  • http://aggregator.userland.com/validator (RSS 0.91, RSS 0.92)
  • http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ccslrd/rss_validator/1.0/ (RSS 1.0)
  • http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ccslrd/rss_validator/ (RSS 0.9)
  • 0.9x infoSchematron Validator for RSS An RSS schema written in Schematron. It supports 0.9x and 1.0.
  • Redland RSS 1.0 Viewer (RSS 1.0) is RSS->HTML converter, but acts as validator also.

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      Why should I produce it?upHow can I check that my new RSS feed is valid?