What decides if a shared post can have a location added to it or that you can "check in"?
- Desktop Web (in Chrome) probably not
- Mobile Web, some times. Sometimes works in a browser on a mobile device, usually doesn't work in the mobile web interface in a desktop/laptop browser.
- Chromebook. No idea.
- iOS. Probably except that the current app is iOS 6 only.
- Android. No idea.

What is it that updates your profile so it says "Currently in" rather than "Lives in" at the bottom of the cover photo?

Where do the entries in the "Places" section of your profile come from?

I ask because the detail in the announcements about the new Maps and closing Latitude/iGoogle say that the Latitude functionality is replaced by Checkins in G+. And yet, location seems curiously incomplete and hard to use both in G+ and in the new Maps interfaces. And even though geo-location services work pretty well in Chrome, Firefox and Safari, location is hidden, disabled or simply missing completely in the web interfaces.

So Google, Please bake location into the Web versions of G+. I want to be able update my location, geo-tag posts and view nearby posts.