client()->isRunning()) { $skype->client()->start(true, true); } //Attach to Skype $skype->attach(5,false); //process messages to catch the attachment com_message_pump(1000); //Main Loop if ($sink->attached) { initialise($skype); //Message loop. Set $sink->terminated to true to quit while(!$sink->terminated) { com_message_pump(10); if (date('H:i') == '16:00') { skype_time4tea(); } if (date('H:i')<>$last_minute) { skype_check_attach(); } } } //clear up $skype = null; //*************** class _ISkypeEvents { var $terminated = false; var $attached = false; //*************** function AttachmentStatus($status) { global $skype; if ( $status = $skype->Convert->TextToAttachmentStatus("AVAILABLE") ) { $skype->attach(5,false); } $this->attached = true; } //*************** function OnlineStatus(&$pUser, $Status ) { // print "Status: $pUser->Handle $Status\n"; } //*************** function MessageStatus( &$pMessage, $Status ) { global $skype, $CurrentUser, $archivechats; $myhandle = $CurrentUser->Handle; $cmeUnknown = -1; $cmeCreatedChatWith = 0; $cmeAddedMembers = 2; $cmeSetTopic = 3; $cmeSaid = 4; $cmeLeft = 5; if ($pMessage->Type == $cmeSetTopic) { skype_SetTopic($pMessage); } else if ($pMessage->Type == $cmeAddedMembers) { skype_add_member($pMessage); } else if ($pMessage->Type == $cmeSaid || $pMessage->Type == $cmeUnknown) { if ($Status == 0 || $Status == 2) { // print "\n$pMessage->body $Status $pMessage->type"; skype_archive_message($pMessage); if ($pMessage->FromHandle <> $CurrentUser->Handle ) { if ( substr(strtolower($pMessage->Body),0,4) == 'ping' ) { $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage("pong"); } if (substr($pMessage->Body,0,1) == '#') { $a = str_word_count($pMessage->Body, 1); switch (strtolower($a[0]) ) { case "motd" : skype_motd($pMessage); break; case "restart" : skype_restart(); break; case "leave" : skype_leave($pMessage); break; case "google" : skype_google($pMessage); break; case "karma" : skype_get_karma($pMessage); break; case "archive" : skype_set_archive($pMessage); break; case "help" : skype_help($pMessage); break; default: } } if (stristr(strtolower($pMessage->Body), 'http://')) { skype_tinyurl($pMessage); } if (stristr($pMessage->Body, '++') || stristr($pMessage->Body, '--') ) { skype_karma($pMessage); } if (stristr($pMessage->Body, '!') ) { skype_shreek($pMessage); } } } } } } //*************** function convert_date($date) { $date = str_replace( array('/01/','/02/','/03/','/04/','/05/','/06/','/07/','/08/','/09/','/10/','/11/','/12/'), array(' Jan ',' Feb ',' Mar ',' Apr ',' May ',' Jun ',' Jul ',' Aug ',' Sep ',' Oct ',' Nov ',' Dec ',), $date ); return $date; } //*************** function initialise(&$skype) { global $CurrentUser, $archivechats; $CurrentUser = $skype->CurrentUser; $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM chat WHERE archive = 1"); while ($chat = db_fetch_object($result)) { $archivechats[$chat->chatname] = 1; } print "Started\n"; } //*************** function skype_help(&$pMessage) { global $skype; $output = "Void.Bot Help: \n"; $output .= "#help \t\t\t// Returns this help \n"; $output .= "#google searchterms \t// Returns top 3 results for searchterms \n"; $output .= "#karma phrase \t\t// Returns karma for word or phrase\n"; $output .= "#karma \t\t// Returns top 5 karma words or phrases\n"; $output .= "phrase++ \t\t// Adds 1 karma point to word or phrase \n"; $output .= "phrase-- \t\t// Subtracts 1 karma point from word or phrase\n"; $output .= "#archive [on|off|blank] \t// Sets Archiving of this chat on, off or returns status\n"; $output .= "URL \t\t\t// A url anywhere in a message > 72 characters is converted to a tinyurl\n"; $output .= "'ping' \t\t\t// Returns 'pong'\n"; $output .= "'!' \t\t\t// Anywhere in a message returns 'heh!'\n"; $output .= "#leave \t\t\t// Kicks Void.Bot from the chat\n"; $output .= "#motd \t\t\t// Returns message of the day \n"; $output .= "Add members \t\t// And it will welcome them.\n"; $output .= "More detail and archives at\n"; $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($output); } //*************** function skype_google(&$pMessage) { global $skype; $key = 'O3O3HZk9i3uR27dbzOT8OHfQGFppTIvF'; try { // Create the object $google = new Services_Google($key); // Setup query options, in this case limit to 100 results total. $google->queryOptions['limit'] = 3; $google->queryOptions['filter'] = false; $google->queryOptions['safeSearch'] = false; // Run the search $a = str_word_count($pMessage->Body, 1); unset($a[0]); $search = trim(implode(' ',$a)); $google->search($search); $output = "Google search for '$search'\n"; // Loop through the results, $google->fetch() will return false once // it reaches the limit-th result, or no more results are available. foreach($google as $key => $result) { $output .= strip_tags($result->title)." ".$result->URL; $output .= "\n"; } } catch (Exception $e) { $output .= "Sorry Google search failed."; } $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($output); } //*************** function skype_tinyurl($pMessage) { global $skype; $a = trim(stristr($pMessage->Body,'http://')); if (stristr($a,' ')) { $a = substr($a,0,strpos($a,' ')); } if (stristr($a,"\n")) { $a = substr($a,0,strpos($a,"\n")); } if (strlen($a) > 80) { $tinyurl = file_get_contents("$a"); $output = "$a\n = TinyUrl: $tinyurl"; $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($output); } } //*************** function skype_karma($pMessage) { global $skype; $a = trim($pMessage->Body); if (stristr($a,'++')) { $name = substr($a,0,strpos($a,'++')); $inc = +1; } else { $name = substr($a,0,strpos($a,'--')); $inc = -1; } if (substr($name,-1) <> ' ') { $name = check_input(trim($name)); if (db_result(db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM karma WHERE name='$name'"),0) ) { db_query("UPDATE karma SET karma=karma+$inc WHERE name='$name'"); } else { db_query("INSERT INTO karma SET name='$name', karma = $inc"); } $karma = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM karma WHERE name='$name'")); $output .= "Karma: $name "; if ($karma->karma >= 0 ) { $output .= "+$karma->karma"; } else { $output .= "-$karma->karma"; } $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($output); } } //*************** function skype_shreek($pMessage) { global $skype; if (rand(0,10) > 6 ) { $response[] = "heh!"; $response[] = "ha!"; $response[] = "haha!"; $response[] = "yay!"; $response[] = "grin!"; $response[] = "excellent!"; $response[] = "most excellent!"; $response[] = "hooray!"; $response[] = "stoked!"; $response[] = "smokin'!"; $key = intval(rand(0,count($response)-1)); $output .= $response[$key]; $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($output); } } //*************** function skype_get_karma($pMessage) { global $skype; $a = str_word_count($pMessage->Body, 1); if ($a[1]) { $a = trim($pMessage->Body); $name = substr($a,7); $name = check_input($name); $karma = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM karma WHERE name='$name'")); $output .= "Karma: $name "; if ($karma->karma >= 0 ) { if ($karma) { $output .= "+$karma->karma"; } else { $output .= "+0"; } } else { $output .= "-$karma->karma"; } } else { $output .= "Top Karma:"; $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM karma ORDER BY karma desc, name LIMIT 7"); while ($karma = db_fetch_object($result)) { if ($karma->karma >= 0 ) { $output .= "\n$karma->name +$karma->karma"; } else { $output .= "\n$karma->name $karma->karma"; } } $output .= "\nFull list at"; } $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($output); } //*************** function skype_set_archive($pMessage) { global $skype, $archivechats; $chatname = check_input($pMessage->ChatName); $chatFriendlyName = check_input($skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->FriendlyName); $chat = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM chat WHERE chatname = '$chatname'")); if ( !$chat ) { db_query("INSERT INTO chat SET chatname = '$chatName', friendlyname = '$chatFriendlyName'; "); $chat = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM chat WHERE chatname = '$chatName'")); } $a = str_word_count($pMessage->Body, 1); if (strtolower($a[1]) == 'on') { db_query("UPDATE chat SET archive=1 WHERE chatname='$chatName'"); $output .= "*** Archiving of messages in this chat turned on."; $output .= "\nWARNING: messages in this chat are now visible on the web at:"; $output .= "\n$chat->cid"; $archivechats[$chatName] = 1; } if (strtolower($a[1]) == 'off') { db_query("UPDATE chat SET archive=0 WHERE chatname='$chatName'"); $output .= "*** Archiving of messages in this chat turned off"; unset($archivechats[$chatName]); } if (!$a[1]) { $output .= "*** Archiving of messages in this chat is currently turned "; if ($chat->archive) { $output .= "on"; $output .= "\nWARNING: messages in this chat are visible on the web at:"; $output .= "\n$chat->cid"; } else { $output .= "off"; } } $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($output); } //*************** function skype_leave($pMessage) { global $skype; $target = trim(substr($pMessage->body,6)); if ($target) { $chatName = check_input($target); } else { $chatName = check_input($pMessage->ChatName); } db_query("UPDATE chat SET archive=0 WHERE chatname='$chatName'"); $output .= "Bye!"; $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($output); try { $skype->Chat($chatName)->Leave; } catch (Exception $e) { } } //*************** function skype_archive_message($pMessage) { global $skype, $archivechats; $chatname = check_input($pMessage->ChatName); // if ($archivechats[$pMessage->ChatName]) { if (db_result(db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM chat WHERE chatname ='$chatname' AND archive=1"),0)) { $authorhandle = check_input($pMessage->FromHandle); $authordisplayname = check_input($pMessage->FromDisplayName); $body = check_input($pMessage->Body); $timestamp = strtotime(convert_date($pMessage->Timestamp)); $type = check_input($pMessage->Type); db_query("INSERT INTO archivemsg SET timestamp = $timestamp, chatname ='$chatname', authorhandle = '$authorhandle', authordisplayname = '$authordisplayname', body = '$body', type = $type "); } } //*************** function skype_SetTopic($pMessage) { global $skype, $archivechats; $chatname = check_input($pMessage->ChatName); $chatfriendlyname = check_input($skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->FriendlyName); $authorhandle = check_input($pMessage->FromHandle); $authordisplayname = check_input($pMessage->FromDisplayName); $body = check_input("*** changed the chat topic to '$chatfriendlyname' ***"); $timestamp = strtotime(convert_date($pMessage->Timestamp)); $chat = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM chat WHERE chatname = '$chatname'")); if ( $chat ) { db_query("UPDATE chat SET friendlyname = '$chatfriendlyname' WHERE chatname = '$chatname' "); } else { db_query("INSERT INTO chat SET chatname = '$chatname', friendlyname = '$chatfriendlyname' "); } if ($chat->archive) { db_query("INSERT INTO archivemsg SET timestamp = $timestamp, chatname ='$chatname', authorhandle = '$authorhandle', authordisplayname = '$authordisplayname', body = '$body' "); } } //*************** function skype_time4tea() { global $last_day, $skype; $today = date('d-M-y'); $now = date('H:i'); $text_array = file('fringe.txt'); $count = count($text_array); if ($now > '16:00' && $today <> $last_day) { $last_day = $today; foreach ($skype->BookmarkedChats as $chat) { $off = intval(rand(0,$count-1)); $msg = "/me says: ".$text_array[$off]; $chat->SendMessage($msg); } } } //*************** function skype_restart() { global $sink; $sink->terminated = true; } //*************** function skype_check_attach() { global $skype, $last_minute; if ($skype->AttachmentStatus <> 0 ) { $skype->attach(5,false); } $last_minute = date('H:i'); } //*************** function skype_motd($pMessage) { global $skype; $text_array = file('fringe.txt'); $count = count($text_array); $off = intval(rand(0,$count-1)); $msg = $text_array[$off]; $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($msg); } //*************** function skype_add_member($pMessage) { global $skype; $users = $pMessage->Users; foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user->DisplayName) { $msg = "Welcome, $user->DisplayName\n"; } else if ($user->FullName) { $msg = "Welcome, $user->FullName\n"; } else { $msg = "Welcome, $user->Handle\n"; } $skype->Chat($pMessage->ChatName)->SendMessage($msg); } } ?>