We need a design philosophy for sustainable, post-peak, technological living now more than ever. And preferably one that will last till the 22nd century and beyond. The Viridian movement needs a reboot.

Without it, we run the risk of being distracted by futile arguments between Radical Greens and Techno-utopians. Better living through science is no more an answer on it's own than an extreme localism that is busy knitting yogurt into yurts. It's not just a choice between Catastrophism and Denialism.

The Last Viridian Note. The end of a design movement. Being a re-statement of ways of living in the 21st century.

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 The Viridian Design Movement »
The Last Viridian Note. Key concepts: summaries, farewells, Papal_Imperial sermons, the end of a design movement. Attention Conservation Notice: This is the last one. Links: A new steampunk manifesto. Wow, steampunk is a LOT older than Viridian, and look how lively steampunk is now.

[from: Google+ Posts]

[ << Remember this next time somebody tries to tell you that climate change and unrestrained economic growth... ] [ This is all very well and I like the style. But when will I be able to buy the outfit from M&S for £... >> ]
[ 15-Feb-15 10:49am ]