A doomer quant produces a plausible economic model for why the axe begins to fall in 2015 and the available solutions won't help. You scared yet? Don't mind me, I'm just indulging my usual pessimism. 

The comment below caught my eye, especially in the light of the Cameron-Osbourne view of the world; that combination of austerity and fracking. I've been wondering what they know that we don't because their policies look so brutal and self(elite) serving. Perhaps they aren't showing any long term views on planning because they've been advised that there is no long term for business as usual. But there is short term mitigation that allows a select few to enjoy a wealthy lifestyle and use it to build a defensible position.

I am also wondering if this unusually coherent, world-wide motivation to forestall collapse implies a sort of stair-step phenomenon rather than a fast, continuous dropoff. Say, on a roughly 6-10 year cycle, we have a financial crisis and sharp economic dropoff, followed by a series of “extraordinary measures” to cloak the reality of the situation, ala 2008-2009, a few years of steady-ish state, then another crisis. Human misery spreads, but propaganda, financial market manipulation, and increasingly oppressive governments keep things from spiraling out quite as fast as you predict. Given the unusual shared-motivation of world powers to figure out creative new ways to coordinate on mitigating the crisis, perhaps this cycle might repeat itself 2-3 times before the stresses finally start toppling major governments. 
 A Forecast of Our Energy Future; Why Common Solutions Don't Work »
In order to understand what solutions to our energy predicament will or won't work, it is necessary to understand the true nature of our energy predicament. Most solutions fail because analysts ass...

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[ 30-Jan-14 9:45am ]