On Silicon Valley "extracting financial value from the economy and transferring that financial wealth, which changes who holds real physical wealth, but doesn't much increase it." 

With a wonderful re-statement.

With apologies to Alan Ginsberg: I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by viral social media, screaming hysterically naked at video-advertising pre-rolls, dragging themselves through the mobile gaming marketplace looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night.
 Howling at the End of Net Neutrality and an Opportunity for the Rent-Seeking Economy : dredmorbius »
[My comment](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7063690) to Hacker News on opportunity availed by [the probable impact of net neutrality on startup ...

[from: Google+ Posts]

[ << Yay! Looks like Winamp will be able to go on whipping the llama's ass. ] [ Towards a new form of music criticism in a post, post[1] world. >> ]
[ 16-Jan-14 8:23am ]