Excellent article. But the real gem is this comment on the link from victorvictorian. Almost impossible to quote individual sentences so read the whole thing.

i think this state of our culture is limited. there will be a few years of this type of mass inter-pollination before new forms are born. we are in a transitional stage; moving from one type of communication to the next. there will be dead-ends and backwaters, panics, witch hunts, and purges. we are in an estuary moment, a confluence of rich waters where hybridization is the norm. my hope is that it doesn't all devolve into lifestyle choices and niche-marketing; that some degree of invention will win out before the vultures of commodification swoop in.
Hauntologists mine the past for music's future >>
Whether it's musicians pastiching multiple vintage styles in a single track, the endless cycle of remakes and sequels in cinema, or historical genre mashups in pop literature, our future is looking in...

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[ 17-Oct-12 7:59am ]